When is the Best Time to Visit Punta Cana?

The best time to visit Punta Cana is from March to May when high season leaves town. Learn more about when is best time for travel deals & weather all year round.

When is the Best Time to Visit Punta Cana?
The best time to visit Punta Cana is from March to May, when the high season leaves town. Luckily, the weather is warm year-round, with average temperatures in the mid-80s Fahrenheit. If the key point in deciding when to go is the weather, December to April are the best months to travel to Punta Cana. As I explained in my weather blog, these months have the most stable weather, less rain, perfect temperatures and an abundance of sunshine.

Among those months, January to March are the most recommended if you want to narrow down the list even further. However, it is worth mentioning that also the other months of the year are perfectly suitable to visit Punta Cana and the Dominican Republic. There are more than 50 different airlines flying into Punta Cana International Airport from more than 40 countries. May is one of the most ideal months of the year in Punta Cana, with a relatively low volume of tourists, making it an ideal time to visit Tortuga Bay Hotel.

Punta Cana is my base here in the country and I would love to tell you more about how to experience Punta Cana off the beaten track and give you all the tips you want to know for your Punta Cana holiday. Shopaholics will enjoy exploring Palma Real Village, Punta Cana Village and the San Juan Mall; Bibijagua is the largest handicraft market. As many of Punta Cana's resorts are all-inclusive, visitors are unlikely to venture out of their resorts to sample meals elsewhere. Just be sure to book accommodation well in advance, as this is the busiest time of year in Punta Cana.

If you're wondering when is the best time to travel to Punta Cana and this comes with when can I get the best travel deals in Punta Cana , the off-season is your best bet as prices tend to drop by 15-50%, especially at the all-inclusive resorts in the area. Especially if you choose May and November (first half of December), you will be outside or at the end of hurricane season, you can still enjoy some of the great high season weather and can take advantage of the lowest possible rates in Punta Cana and beyond. The weather in the Dominican Republic varies depending on whether you're staying on the coast or inland, as the beach tends to be quite a bit warmer, and the weather in ever-popular Punta Cana, for example, remains relatively constant throughout the year.

With this in mind, there are several "best times" to travel to Punta Cana", depending on what your main preferences are when deciding on a month to go on holiday. Luckily for Punta Cana, this question is easier to answer, as the Dominican Republic is a year-round destination. From June to November, Punta Cana faces hurricane season; this particular area is known for receiving strong tropical storms and some years there are 40 inches of rain at this time of year. There are many all-inclusive resorts in Punta Cana, so walking is a great way to get around and see other parts of the area.

Punta Cana has a similar climate to Puerto Plata and an average temperature of 28°C in September. In these terms, the aforementioned period from May to November is considered as one of the best times to travel to Punta Cana.

Sadie Seubert
Sadie Seubert

Lifelong tv specialist. Passionate food ninja. Extreme foodaholic. Subtly charming zombie expert. Professional travel advocate. Extreme twitter expert.

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