What is the Temperature of the Water in Punta Cana?

Planning a trip to Punta Cana? Learn about the water temperature in Punta Cana by month and find out when is the best time to go for a swim. Get all the information you need here!

What is the Temperature of the Water in Punta Cana?

Are you planning a trip to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic and wondering what the water temperature is like? Knowing the temperature of the water can help you plan your vacation and decide when is the best time to go. The average water temperature in Punta Cana ranges from 78°F in March to 85°F in September. The coldest months in Punta Cana are January, February and March with an average daily temperature of 81°F and night temperatures up to 70°F. April is a great time to visit Punta Cana as the weather remains favorable for a carefree vacation and enough time on the beach without rain breaks.

The rainy season in Punta Cana lasts from May to November, when rainfall amounts more or less double compared to the dry season from December to April. However, even during these months, it is highly unlikely that a tropical storm in Punta Cana will interfere with your vacation. Humidity, sun, wind, and your personal feeling can make temperatures in Punta Cana feel as high as 100° F. Some rainfall is common throughout the year in the Dominican Republic, but you can expect at least 70% to 80% sun while enjoying your vacation in Punta Cana on its beaches perfect.

The nearest beaches and cities in Punta Cana have today's water temperature, air temperature and weather conditions during the day, as well as average wave height for today. So if you're looking for a great beach destination with warm water temperatures all year round, then Punta Cana is an excellent choice. With its favorable weather conditions and low probability of hurricanes or tropical storms, you can be sure that your vacation will be enjoyable and memorable.

Sadie Seubert
Sadie Seubert

Lifelong tv specialist. Passionate food ninja. Extreme foodaholic. Subtly charming zombie expert. Professional travel advocate. Extreme twitter expert.

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